2020. 3. 16. 14:58ㆍ카테고리 없음
I am considering getting UT for my sim and was wondering if some owners could give me feedback on the product. I have recently shelved FSX for many reasons and I still enjoy FS9 immensely at full throttle with all of my addons.How do u classify third party scenery when using UT,Do the scenery layers need to be above the UT platform??Are the roads better than USA ROADS? Is the overall landclass experience better??Current addons include:F1 GroundEnvironmentF1 USA ROADS Will Delete if acquring UTAll FlyTampaAll SImFlyers 'I know its old but still used'All Cloud 9 USADreamScenery KMKEFlightScenery KPVD/KPDXImagingeSimulation KDTW,KCLT,MYNNFreeware AssortedThanksAndy. I don't know (and don't care about) FSX.
I have had UT USA and UT Alaska/Canada with FS9 for almost a year now. That plus all the FSG mesh have made my FS9 flying what it was meant to be! I have had many addon sceneries which don't work with UT and FSG.Oh well.I trash them. NO scenery is worth getting rid of my UT!!
UT makes my low and slow flying worthwhile.and it don't hurt my high and fast either. I have no idea how UT works in FSX.and I don't care. I won't be buying it.
I wouldn't fly FS9 without it, however. Andy,The scenery priority is as you noted. Sorry; I guess you did ask that in the initial post. While not speaking for UT or even looking at their description, UT REPLACES default stuff, correcting coastlines, rivers, lakes, railroads, utility right-of-ways, and Roads. You do this and then put basically everything else on top as if starting from scratch.
FSGenesis 38m mesh is installed after the default install as you can see in the increased terrain detail. Pic 3 also has Flight environment, textures for water, sky, clouds. The other surface textures for land such as BEV ground textures(or GE) are probably also installed by pic 3. Each of these, in its own way, just replaces the original stock files. Additional Scenery, such as detailed airports etc, is ADDED on top. My first addition and strongest recommendation after UT is Ray Lunning's Bridges for UT (which also requires the remarkable QLRP4UT to fix many mis-placed fs9 objects).so, in install orderFS9 (w/update)Ultimate TerrainQLRP4UT & Bridges- in no particular order after that -terrain meshtexture enhancements:Flight EnvironmentBird's Eye View / Ground EnvironmentAI Traffic enhancements- then -all other scenry or tweaksThere are some potential conflicts when using UT with extensive scenery packages like Holger's Columbia River Gorge scenery and the FreeFlowFlorida scenery. Read all relevant documentation carefully before attempting to combine.
My Yellowstone had double roads until I removed the Yellostone Scenery. I may revisit and see if a workaround exists. It's not a perfect world either inside or outside the sim.Loyd. UT deals primarily with the terrain scenery. The exception being the night lighting effects along the roads. UT generally does not interfere with either photoscenery or scenery objects, including airports.If you have other terrain installed for the same area, you need to exercise some care. For example, multitple landclass file coverage.The main concern is with the placement of scenery objects in the terrain.
To the extent the default terrain is 'wrong', scenery objects will also be wrong. UT offers in its configuration tool, the ability to remove some of these mis-placed objects (in particular bridges). The QLRP4UT product removes the bad objects and moves them to their correct locations.
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There may remain some misplaced objects, in particular airports. You have to decide either to live with it, fix it yourself, or see if there is an addon that does it for you. Fortunately, most developers build for UT, or at least try to accurately place their scenery.When scenery is accurately placed, it generally plays well with UT, regardless of priority. In the worst case, if there are stray objects that bother you, get the utility excbuilder2 and build small excludes to get rid of the bad stuff. It's up to you if the work is worth your time. I don't know any easy way to get rid of stuff, since most of the default scenery objects are bundled into large OB9 files, which if you turn off you lose many, many objects. Same thing with the sliders.
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In particular many commercial addons have interesting objects set to 'very dense' or better so that they don't kill frames on less-powerful system.scott s. Thanks!I tried all of the possibilities within UT. And I tried to move some of the sliders in FS9 as well! I have FSX installed too and I use just KSEA as a test for checking the fps in FSX.Therefore I am rather used to the look of the scenery in and around Seattle.
So, I noticed a major change of the scenery by using UT. I figured out that it bothers me too much to see that change over and over again.I have now un-installed UT and use some other nice scenery add-ons for FS9 instead! And I am quite happy with that!Thanks once again for your reply!Haraldh.